(A) is for Awkward

Awkward adj. [awk-werd] clumsily or unskillfully performed 

Last I left you, I was being awkward in the gym to attract hotties. Now, I’ve taken my show on the road.

We’ve all participated in an awkward moment.  You’ve waved to someone who wasn’t waving to you. You’ve said “thanks, you too” when the usher told you to enjoy the movie. You’ve said “goodbye” to someone only to realize you’re actually going in the same direction. It’s okay. You’re not alone.

Since moving to New York, I’ve found myself in a few awkward moments while riding the train. My head has landed on a neighbor’s shoulder once or twice because I fell asleep (Sorry!). I’ve reached for the pole and creepily placed my hand on top of an innocent stranger’s (How you doin’?). Once, I even stepped on a service animal (at least the owner didn’t see me).

Well today, I took it up a notch. 

I hopped on the A train for my after-work commute. I did a quick scan for an empty seat and spotted a sliver of a seat between two passengers — one who looked like Mrs. Doubtfire, the other Madea.

I decided it was in my best interest to stand. A handsome guy standing next to me gave me an approving smile.

As the train zoomed along the tracks, and I skipped tracks on my iPhone, my eyes scanned the crowded car.They quickly locked with a fellow passenger standing a few feet away. He looked like one of those guys that worked in the Financial District. He had on a blue, pinstriped suit, perfect eye glasses (probably Warby Parkers), and he had those lines on his forehead that people get from thinking really hard.


I raised my eyebrows.
He raised his.
I smirked.
He shyly looked down at his watch.
I seductively stared off into the distance and imagined our Park Avenue future.
He stared out the window – probably thinking about the wife he’ll have to divorce.

The train came to a stop.

Was this his stop?
Would I have to follow him?
Would that make me look like a stalker?

It wasn’t his stop.

The handsome man behind me tapped me on the shoulder to inform me that Madea left the train and that there was a seat available. I imagined how hot and sweaty the seat must have been.

“No, thanks.”

My future ex-husband and I continued making eye contact. I licked my lips while the voices in my head shamed me for doing such a gross act. He undid his tie giving him that honey-I’m-home-from-work-where’s-my-dinner look.

And the train came to another stop.

OMG he’s getting up..
OMG this is his stop…
OMG I’m going to follow him…
OMG why did I eat that onion bagel…

In slow motion, he walked towards me like he was meeting me at the altar. I clutched my pearls and lifted my imaginary veil. John Legend was crooning “All of Me” through my headphones. He got closer…and closer…then he turned left…my eyes followed him…the handsome stranger who offered me that seat appeared….and they exited the car together.

The doors closed slowly as I saw them shake hands.

The train left the station.



Ben Gay

I’ve been in quite a few jams in my life.

Like that time I got locked out of my apartment while bacon burned on the stove causing the building’s fire alarm to go off — or that time when my car’s engine died on the interstate because I didn’t add water to the antifreeze — or that time I dated two guys at once and they found out because they worked at the same company, and one was in the closet so I inadvertently outed him…

Today’s jam is brought to you by Smucker’s because it might take me more than 100 years to recover — plus who doesn’t love Smucker’s? Image

One place you don’t want to have an awkward interaction is the gym. More judging takes place at the gym than on American Idol or at a family reunion. Guys unnecessarily grunting and dropping weights, taking breaks only to flex in the mirror. Girls slowly pedalling on their bikes to avoid sweating and ruining their makeup. There’s a lot of pressure to perform.

I was acting in a performance of my own –working out behind the members with trainers so I could learn new workout moves and hoping no one sees me. It’s a recurring role that involves cunning eye-glance calculations and creative staging.

My training session was interrupted when I felt a tap on the shoulder.

“Can you spot me?”

Usually I hate being bothered at the gym. I have to pause my Christina Aguilera workout mix, take off my headphones, and I miss my free training session. But when the person in need is the Taylor Lautner-looking guy I spotted the moment I walked in…I become quite the philanthropist.

I follow “Taylor” over to his bench, turn my music down from roller-disco frequency to discreet decibels, and prepare to assist. This is when things get tricky.

“How much do you bench?” I asked.Image
“Umm about 250.” he said.

Was he blind? Did he really take a look at me and think I would be able to lift that much weight?

I quickly explored my options. I could be rational, ignore my penis, say “sorry bro, that’s too heavy,” and look like a total pipsqueak. Or I could pretend to be Mr. Olympia and lift.

“Yeah, man,” I said in my manly voice.

“Taylor” did 10 reps before asking for my “assistance.” I lifted with every muscle in my underdeveloped body. Instantly I felt my back, biceps, and balls scream for mercy.

We got the bar up, and an appreciative “Taylor” gave me a high-five.

The good news, I got his number. The bad news, I’ll be on bed rest for the next 250 years.

Blood on the Dance Floor

Multitask v. [ˈmʌltɪˌtɑːsk] to work at several different tasks simultaneously

You’re probably doing it right now — reading this blog, and watching TV, and reading for class, and responding to three emails. We all multitask. We think it saves us time and energy. We think multitasking is a point of pride, a skill to brag about on a job interview.

“Look at how admirable I am! I can do more with less!” 

The truth is, sometimes when you multitask, your work may not get the time and attention needed to do an admirable job.

Don’t believe me?

Here’s how I failed today. 

I’m a clean-cut guy who likes to groom. I’m also a bootylicious-vixen who likes to groove. These two do not mix.

I recently purchased a new electric shaver. For only $39.99, I received a trimmer AND four different trim head options. One to get your hairline nice and straight, one for “precision” to get those tight corners, one for nose and ear hair, the other for that real close finish. (Go back and read that in the Old Spice guy’s voice just for fun)

Mid-shave, “This is how we do it” came on. Girrrrllll…..

I had to stop and turn it up, do the running man, butterfly, and cabbage patch (those are dances for those of you born before 1975).

Feeling fierce, I thought I’d try out the nose/ear trimmer.



I accidentally put the precision blade on the trimmer and Edward Scissorhanded the inside of my nose!!!

This was the worst shaving incident since Britney Spears’ 2007 meltdown.

This was the worst nose-related injury since Marcia Brady got hit in the face with that football.

Listen. Take it from me. Learn from my mistakes. Focus on one thing at a time.

If not, there will be blood.

Is Everything Okay In There?

Embarrass v. [em-bar-uhs] to cause confusion and shame to 

Have you ever been told that your singing was on par with the sounds of cats dying or someone in need of medical attention? Not only did someone find those traits to describe my singing, but someone actually acted on instinct!

“Open up it’s the police,” I heard at my door, accompanied by the sounds of loud pounding.

I live on a college campus, so it is not uncommon for students to play this prank. So I took my time.

I had just finished my home workout routine, so I was shirtless and dripping with sweat. In my bathroom, my laptop was blasting the sounds of Rihanna and other pop divas who provided the soundtrack to my workout as I prepared for my shower.

When I got to the door, I looked out of the peep hole, to actually find campus police officers- 10 of them!

“What’s going on?”, I asked.

“We’ve gotten some calls saying they hear someone that sounds like they’re in trouble. Is everything alright?”

Was my singing that bad? Was I being videotaped by American Idol and Ashton Kutcher for a special addition of Punk’D? For a split second, I hoped that the officers were part of a traveling, stripper-troupe, here to surprise me with a special performance, but they were so deeply unattractive. This had to be real life. 

“No, everything is fine, I just finished a workout and maybe people overheard my…singing,” I said embarrassed.

I do not embarrass easily. The last time I was thoroughly embarrassed was in the seventh grade. Our class was sitting on the floor in a circle. I was sitting cross-legged or “criss-cross applesauce” or “Indian Style”, and a girl looked down my shorts to find that my James and Giant Peach-fuzz were not concealed by undergarments.

“Ewwww, he’s not wearing any underwear, and I can see his ding-a-ling!”, she shouted. I’m not sure if I was embarrassed because she told the class I was free-balling, or embarrassed because she referred to “it” as a “ding-a-ling.” Nonetheless, I was shamed. I tried to play it off by saying it was laundry day, but the damage was done.

They say the ultimate revenge is living well. I find joy in knowing that girl is probably the captain of a traveling, stripper-troupe.

I couldn’t play tonight’s shaming off, but I did secretly find joy when I caught the eyes of a few of the officers admiring my toned bod as it glistened with sweat before them. If this were different circumstances, our encounter could have been “hello” instead of “good-bye”.

In the end, I may not have the voice, but I can still use my body to get ahead.

Right, Rihanna?

Hot in Herre

Cheap \ˈchēp\ adj. of inferior quality or worth

My favorite TV judge Judge Marilyn Milian has a saying when litigants go to a vendor who provides them with subpar service.

“Lo barato sale caro,” she says. Translation-“the cheap comes out expensive” or “you get what you pay.” 

There are some things I shop around for to find the best price–airline tickets, textbooks, sex toys, you know, the usual. As of yesterday, deodorant is no longer on that list.

Like many of you, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to save money (how’s that going for you?). One of my strategies to achieve this goal is to buy store-brand items. Instead of Apple Jacks, Apple Orbits. Instead of Energizer. Rayovac. Instead of Charmin Extra Soft 2-ply. Safeway brand (I can still feel the bark from the tree but I save $.85). Basically, if Great Value makes it, PUT IT IN DA CHOPPA! [/Schwarzenegger]

Yesterday, I gave a presentation to some college students on communication and counseling. Naturally, I think, one’s body temperature will rise when standing before an audience (see: nerves). At any rate, this was true for me.

As I continued to present, I began to perspire. As I began to perspire, my armpits apparently caught on FIRE.

Why didn’t someone communicate and counsel me on NOT buying cheap hygiene products when I was in college?!

You know that scene in Mrs. Doubtfire when Robin Williams leans over the stove and sets his fake boobs on fire? That’s precisely how this felt. The more I thought about my flaming armpits, the higher my temperature climbed. The more my temperature climbed, the more I wanted someone to douse me with a bottle of Great Value distilled water. 

After the presentation was over. I rushed home to do just that.

This is the last time I buy store-brand deodorant. I should have known better. It came in a jar. Do you know how hard it is to manually, rub creamy deodorant under your armpits and THEN try to put on lotion? #idiot

Take my word for it.

It’s a hot mess.


Dude…Where’s my ID Card?

For·get·ful  \-ˈget-fəl\ adj. characterized by negligent failure to remember

I failed today.

In fact, you could probably argue I’ve failed everyday for the past month and a half because of how I totally failed to update my blog on how I failed. Oops. I forgot.

Reflecting on the last month or so, I can identify several occasions when I failed. Let me get you up to speed.

  • That one time I forgot to set my alarm before my nap, woke up late, missed the bus to class and had to take a cab
  • That one time I forgot to return a loaned movie to the library and had to pay a $15 fine
  • That one time I forgot my ID card in H&M and had to walk all over Georgetown, backtracking my steps
  • That one time I forgot to complete a work assignment and had to apologize and ask for an extension

See a trend?

To forget is to fail. Do I need more Ginkgo to help me remember? Possibly. Do I need to slow down? Definitely.

My mom used to tell me to “slow down” and take my time, but like most kids, I failed to learn from parent’s lesson. I like the feeling of being “on the go.” It makes me feel important.

Ooooh look at me! I got somewhere to be! 

But more often than not, I sprint directly to a dead-end. If only, I had taken some time, I could have arrived safely and successfully at my target destination. You ever wait to the last minute to pack for a trip? You arrive and what happens? You realize that you left your seven year old at home in the attic. [/Home Alone] home alone mom

What have I learned from this?

Stop, drop and roll. No, seriously. In decision making, in packing, in working, if I stop for a moment, think about what’s at hand, drop what I’m doing to avoid distractions–I can reflect before making a decision and then I’m ready to roll. You like that? I seriously just came up with it.

-on to the next one

TEDxTalk on Being Wrong

Don’t Stop Eating

glut·tony  \ˈglət-nē, ˈglə-tə-nē\ n. greedy or excessive indulgence

I failed today. 

It’s 7:25a.m EST, which means before many of you had your morning coffee, I was already traveling to fail in a hand basket.

Have you ever been in the middle of an action and knew what you were doing was totally wrong?

  • While cheating on a test in high school, you felt guilty
  • While quietly making fun someone with your friend on the metro, you knew you were being mean

Basically, anytime you’ve ever done something and said to yourself “I am sooo going to Hell for this.”

My failure may not send me to hell, but I knew I was setting myself up to fail.

As a result of being a busy graduate student, I don’t always have time to plan my meals. By “I don’t have time”, I mean I haven’t appropriately prioritized my time to ensure that I have dinner at a reasonable time knowing that I have class until 10:30pm and it takes me 30 minutes to go home. 

Because of my failure to plan ahead yesterday, I came home from class absolutely famished. Anyone that is “watching their weight” knows this is the absolute danger zone. At this point, there’s no way you’re going to prepare a healthy, balanced meal. You’re going for the quick, the easy, and the saturated fat.

In my case, this was leftover chicken wings from a Super Bowl party.

When you’re hungry, you’re not of sound mind. That’s why you shouldn’t buy groceries on an empty stomach. The moment I put those twenty wings in the oven, I was buckling up my seatbelt and backing out of the drive-away headed straight to fail.

While eating them, I was on the highway. It was too late to turn around, but I could have stopped at an exit or something! I could have limited myself to three or four of them. I could have filled up on water. I could have done something to save myself because I knew what I was doing was bad.

By the time the clock hit 12:00AM, I had consumed them all.

I was full. I was satisfied. I was gluttonous. I had failed.

That’s how I failed last night.

This morning I completely failed by oversnoozing my alarm and failing to get out of bed for the gym. I am still so full. I feel like Garfield after eating at a all-you-can-eat lasagna buffet.

Luckily, the day is just beginning and I have 17 hours to make this right.

–on to the next one, time to get movin’

No Lunch For You

pa·tience \pey-shuhns\ n. an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay

I failed today.

I don’t like waiting. Waitin’ on the world to change? Ain’t got that kind of time. Waiting for a girl like you? I’m gay. Waiting to exhale? I like breathing. Waiting for tonight? …well okay, this is my jam!

There are 24 hours in the day, half of which I spend sleeping. I can’t afford to waste a minute. The problem with this mentality is that not everyone moves at the same pace as me. Time is viewed different from person to person, culture to culture. So when these values conflict, a miscommunication can occur. In other words, a fail.

Have you ever attended a meeting at work that went on for hours, and by the end, you are not even sure what, if anything, was accomplished? After it was over, perhaps you felt like the energy had been sucked out of you like a finished Capri-Sun pouch? 

When it happens to me, I get annoyed, and impatient.

After the meeting was over, some colleagues were chatting about lunch plans and other work-related rhetoric. I proposed an idea to move this conversation to lunch and combine both business and pleasure. People were hesitant. Pondering.

What was there to think about? How long does it take to make this decision? Yes or no?

“Well I brought my lunch..” 

Well I don’t want to go to that [restaurant] again..” 

“Well I’m not sure…” 

My enthusiasm for the adventure quickly went from excited to exhausted as my patience dwindled. “Never mind. Let’s just wrap this up and forget about lunch,” I said hastily. After I said it, I could tell those around me were taken a back. Oops.  

My patience had gotten the best of me, and I failed. 

Patience is a skill I have yet to learn. A wise man once said, ” it takes patience to learn patience.” That’s probably why I haven’t mastered it, yet. To be honest with myself, I probably never will. In an interview with Barbara Walters, First Lady Michelle Obama said she wished she could be more patient. It obviously happens to the best of us. What I need to work on is how I respond in these situations.

I did not have to react in the manner in which I did. I could have been more polite in my communication. As the old saying goes, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” A problem with patience is a problem with control. The inability to control the response time from others, made me impatient.

The only thing I can control is myself. That’s where I’ll start my journey in mastering the art of patience. With me.

Lesson learned. On to the next one.

The Sweet Smell of Fail

ob·ses·sion  \uhb-sesh-uh\ n. the domination of one’s thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.

I failed today.

Author Robert Bly once said, “it is surely a great calamity for a human being to have no obsessions.”  He felt it wise to recognize one’s obsessions and learn to love them. I can do that. I’ve done that. If only I were a wealthy author…

After slothfully lying around the house most of the day, I encouraged myself to get up and take in some fresh air. The weather was warmer than it had been in weeks, and I thought if maybe I felt the sun’s vitamin D filled rays on my face, my motivation level would increase. If not, I’d just get a Georgetown Cupcake and wash it down with a glass of milk.

I threw some water on my face, grabbed my satin American Apparel track jacket, cranked up my Britney Spears playlist on my iPod, and hit the streets.

While strutting passed glacial-pace moving pedestrians on M, I caught the whiff of  something the made my heart flutter. It was sweet. It was strong. It was sexy. It was my obsession…cologne. I hadn’t thought about buying a new cologne. I had just bought a small $40.00 bottle only a month ago. But suddenly, it seemed like the only thing that mattered in the world. Oh look, a Sephora. How convenient!

I’ll just pop in and see what’s new.

There were rows and rows of new scents. Bottles shaped like fists and statues.  Light, summer scents. Strong, fall scents. Daytime scents. Nighttime scents. Calvin Klein, Tommy, YSL, Burberry. All my friends were there to greet me, and I was happy to see them.

In 15 minutes, I probably smelled about 10 different colognes. Some good, some awesome!

“Which one would you like?”, asked the sales associate.

Then reality set in. Did I really need another bottle of cologne? After all, I still had 15 half-full (I’m an optimist) bottles at home. Did I really need to spend $55 dollars on…anything right now? One of my resolutions is to be more fiscally responsible.

I looked to my right and saw the bottles looking at me. A bottle of Calvin Klein’s fragrance Obsession caught my eye. It was the first cologne I ever bought for myself. Not including the bottle of BOD I used to bathe in after gym class in high school. The bottle winked at me.

“I’ll take the YSL!”, I said enthusiastically.

The subtle, sensual, and fresh scent drove me to do it. If it had that effect on me, I wondered what effect it could have on…others.

Still, I recognize this is a major fail. Not sticking to my budget and making an impulse purchase? Weak! 

To really master this lesson, I’m going to need to find self-control.

“Self control”…that’d make for a great fragrance name wouldn’t it?

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